HolyCoast: Dems Offer a Lame Plan to Divide-and-Conquer the GOP
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Friday, January 29, 2010

Dems Offer a Lame Plan to Divide-and-Conquer the GOP

This will probably end up being pretty funny to watch as the Dems try to pull this off:
During this year's U.S. Senate races, it will be Democrats raising the issue of President Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office.

Politico reported Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee chief Robert Menendez is distributing a memo to U.S. Senate campaign offices stating Democrats need to demand that their opponents answer a series of questions, including, "Do you believe that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen?"

The report said Menendez wants to use the questions to "frame" opponents and "drive a wedge" between moderates belonging to the GOP and those who have adopted the tea party standards advocating limited government, lower taxes, fewer regulations and more freedom for Americans.

The Democrat memo said, "Given the pressure Republican candidates feel from the extreme right in their party, there is a critical – yet time-sensitive – opportunity for Democratic candidates.

"We have a finite window when Republicans candidates will feel susceptible to the extremists in their party. Given the urgent nature of this dynamic, we suggest an aggressive effort to get your opponents on the record."

The Politico report listed the following questions for Democrat to ask of Republican opponents:

-Do you believe that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen?

-Do you think the 10th Amendment bars Congress from issuing regulations like minimum health care coverage standards?

-Do you think programs like Social Security and Medicare represent socialism and should never have been created in the first place?

-Do you think President Obama is a socialist?

-Do you think America should return to a gold standard?
The memo instructs that if a GOP candidate says no, make his or her "primary opponent or conservative activists know it."
Here's where this is going to go wrong - the Dems think the GOP is a collection of special interest groups like the Dems are, where something that appeals to one group can completely turn another group away. The GOP generally doesn't operate that way.

Yes, we have a variety of folks in the party and some are more devoted to one issue than another, but we rarely have issues that make it impossible for one faction to vote with another. This plan assumes that if a candidate doesn't follow the extreme right line that those voters will go elsewhere. Not likely. Sure, some may be more enthused about a libertarian or conservative party candidate enough to vote for them, but not enough to make a difference.

And in a year where the very word "democrat" has almost become an expletive, someone's stand on the issue of Obama's birth certificate or whether we need a gold standard won't matter one single bit.


Sam L. said...

And the reply: "Are you serious? Are you a birther?? Come on, now."

Sam L. said...

Oh, and "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

Ann's New Friend said...

Their assumption is false to begin with, and the fault is that expression "extreme right" that is allowed to live always in the imagination of the reader. What is the "extreme right"? Rush Limbaugh? With between 13 - 20 million listeners? Was it Ronald Reagan? Arguably the most popular president in the 20th century?

They use the word "extreme" but it is meaningless. Their "extreme" is what you and I would call "normal."

It's the average American that the Dems find terrifying, the normal, decent, ordinary American citizen.

Ann's New Friend said...

I read this at Hugh Hewitt interview with Mark Steyn. Hewitt says of Obamacare:"you know, prior to Massachusetts, Obamacare was just a terrible bill. After Massachusetts, I think it becomes the single most contemptuous act by Congress towards voters in American history."

That's the ugly truth about these Democrats. They think Americans are their enemy.