HolyCoast: Harry Reid Suddenly Doesn't See The Need to Rush Obamacare
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Harry Reid Suddenly Doesn't See The Need to Rush Obamacare

Amazing what an electoral drubbing can do to your attitude:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday that there is no firm commitment for Democrats to rush a health care bill through Congress this year.

“First of all, we’re not going to rush into anything,” he said. “We’re going to wait until the new senator arrives until we do anything more on health care.”

What a difference a month makes. At this moment a month ago Harry was scheduling votes at 1am in order to meet his requirement for an Obamacare vote on Christmas Eve. Maybe he IS planning to run again in November.


Larry Sheldon said...

Pray that the water in your yard be as shallow as the people in power.

Sam L. said...

Amazing how one's mind changes when the electorate beats you about the head and shoulders with at least 70% accuracy.