HolyCoast: Sad Photo of the Day
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sad Photo of the Day

One year ago today, Marine One lifts off from the Capitol with the now former President Bush on board following the inaugural ceremony.

A year later a large part of America wishes he'd come back.


Goofy Dick said...

What a good President, he did his best under difficult circumstances.
I am proud of Bush. What did we get in his place but an empty air head who has put this country into such deep debt that I doubt if we ever get out, and furthermore, he will most likely have congress raise the National Debt even higher rather than cut some programs and live within a BUDGET!

Janna said...

I sincerely miss President Bush! I always liked him. Sure, he wasn't the best speaker in the world, but he made a lot of tough decisions that needed to be made... and he didn't care what people would say. And he actually had a backbone!... something that Obama was apparently born without. Obama is a total and complete failure as a President. It speaks volumes that, just one year later, him stumping for a liberal senatorial candidate doesn't do any good whatsoever! A year ago, Martha Coakley would have won by a landslide simply because Obama breathed her name!

Sam L. said...

For all his faults, he is a good man, and was a good President. Better by far than The Won can even understand.