HolyCoast: It's Sanctimonious Celebrity Night!
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Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Sanctimonious Celebrity Night!

Before I rant about the celebrity Haiti telethon that's dominating two hours of TV tonight, let me just repeat this item that I saw on Facebook:
Samaritan's Purse, Save the Children, World Vision, Salvation Army, Operation Blessing, Feed the Children, Catholic Relief Services.... Donations will help Haiti. They were there before the earthquake, they are still there now.
Exactly. If you wish to donate to the relief effort, give your money to somebody who was already working down there, not to the WhiteHouse.gov site or the celebrity charity of the day.

I'm skipping the telethon because if there's one thing I absolutely cannot stand it's sanctimonious celebrities telling me what I have to do to be morally and politically correct, whether it be reduce my carbon footprint while they fly around in their private jets, clean the oceans so it won't spoil the view from their Malibu mansions, or give to the disease-of-the-month because they know a bunch of people in the industry who made stupid lifestyle choices and caught it and now want you to pay for their cure.

There are better ways to spend my time and my money.

1 comment:

Jack's Mom said...

All of the major television stations have this on. How much sense does that make?