HolyCoast: The Liberal's REALLY Bad Week
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Friday, January 22, 2010

The Liberal's REALLY Bad Week

Courtesy of Don Surber:
This week it really sucked to be a liberal.

Monday, the Washington Post/ABC News poll showed only 41% say President Obama improved race relations.

Three Republicans are within the margin of error of Ma’am Barbara Boxer.

Tuesday, Scott Brown 52, Martha Coakley 47.

Dems spent $1.4 million on last minute ads. Republicans spent zip.

Wednesday, Jim Webb: I’ll be the 41st senator on Obamacare.

Byron Dorgan: Oh and forget cap-and-trade, too.

UN: OK, we lied about the Himalayans to promote Global Warming.

Thursday, Supreme Court gutted McCain-Feingold — and a 102-year-old ban on corporate campaign donations.

Oh and Fox News beat ABC on Tuesday, with twice as many viewers as the Alphabet Network.

Friday, oh and Ben Bernanke won’t be re-nominated.

Air America is gone. Forever.

Michael Barone: “If Republicans run as strongly as Brown, only 103 House Dems are safe.”

But hey, at least The Won met that deadline on Friday to close Gitmo.

Oh. He didn’t.

And let's not forget Obama's angry town hall speech in Ohio today. Not his best moment.

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