HolyCoast: Massachusetts Continues to Reverberate in the Senate
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Friday, January 22, 2010

Massachusetts Continues to Reverberate in the Senate

Suddenly Dem Senators are rethinking liberal positions:
Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska is leading the charge to block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gasses, and today she got some support from across the aisle: Three Democratic senators signed onto Murkowski resolution to bar such regulation.

The Democrats, the Associated Press reports, are Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas. Murkowski’s resolution says a rule submitted by the EPA to regulate greenhouse gasses “shall have no force or effect.” Thirty-five Republicans co-sponsored the measure.

“We should continue our work to pass meaningful energy and climate legislation, but in the meantime, we cannot turn a blind eye to the EPA’s efforts to impose back-door climate regulations with no input from Congress,” she said in introducing the resolution. The Alaska senator warned of “severe consequences to our economy” of such regulation, saying businesses would be forced to cut jobs.
There will be more of this kind of stuff in the days to come. All three of those Senators know they're walking on thin ice with the folks back home.

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