HolyCoast: Mike Pence Won't Run for Senate in 2010
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mike Pence Won't Run for Senate in 2010

Yesterday I had a piece about the various Senate races this year and all the Dem incumbents that are in trouble. In the Indiana race Rep. Mike Pence was seen as a formidable opponent for Senator Evan Bayh and possibly could have beaten him. Unfortunately, we'll never know. Pence will not run for Senate (from Red State):
Sources are confirming for me this morning that Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) will not run for the United States Senate.

In fact, later today the Congressman will send out a letter to supporters outlining his reasons. In it he will write:
First because I have been given the responsibility to shape the Republican comeback as a member of the House Republican Leadership and, second, because I believe Republicans will win back the majority in the House of Representatives in 2010.
Lots of people on the outside have been pushing Pence, but he has all along seemed interested in staying to fight for 2010. A Senate run would bring into question his ability to lead the House GOP Conference at the same time.

This is refreshing news to many conservatives who were fearful that Pence leaving the House would leave its leadership devoid of a truly conservative voice.

interestingly, I’m also hearing that Pence is not opposed to higher office, just not the Senate. Hmmm . . . He’s going to be traveling a whole lot in the coming year helping candidates and meeting voters across the nation. The many conservatives floating Pence 2012 might have some incentive to keep that effort going.
Too bad. I'd hate to leave that seat to the Dems.

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