HolyCoast: Mr. Brown Is Ready to Go To Washington
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Mr. Brown Is Ready to Go To Washington

He may be taking a page from Roland Burris' playbook. Remember when Dems threatened not to seat him because they didn't like the way he came into office and Burris showed up on Capitol Hill with the press in tow and embarrassed Harry Reid? Looks like Scott Brown may have similar ideas:
Insurgent Massachussetts Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown told CNN he expects to be installed quickly as Massachusetts' next senator should he win the state's special election Tuesday.

Asked about the state of the race, Brown said he's still campaigning as if he's running "down 30 points."

But sounding confident, the GOP state senator says he's made plans to travel to Washington Friday if he's victorious.

Brown warned any plan to quickly pass health care reform before the results are certified in Massachusetts would send the wrong message to Americans.
The key will be the margin of victory (of course, assuming Brown wins). If the margin looks like what we're seeing in the last flight of polls (6%-10%) the Dems will have a very tough time stalling Brown's seating in the Senate. Anything closer will give them an excuse to wait for certification or the results from a recount if that becomes necessary.

For what it's worth, when Ted Kennedy won that seat in 1962 he was seated in the Senate the following day. It can be done.

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