HolyCoast: The Obama Agenda is Being Undone by a Member of His Family
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Friday, January 29, 2010

The Obama Agenda is Being Undone by a Member of His Family

Who is that family member throwing a monkey wrench into the Obama political machine? Massachusetts Senator-Elect Scott Brown:
President Barack Obama can add a new name to the list of things he calls Scott Brown: cousin.

Genealogists at the New England Historic Genealogical Society said today that the president and the Republican senator-elect from Massachusetts are 10th cousins. Obama’s mother and Brown’s mother are both descendents of Richard Singletary of Haverhill, Mass., who died in 1687.

The Obama-Brown family tree can be seen here.

This isn’t the first time genealogists have tied the president to notable Republicans. During the 2008 presidential campaign it was reported that Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney are 8th cousins.

The revelation led Obama’s spokesman to quip: “Every family has a black sheep,” and the vice president tojokingly refer to him as “my cousin Barack Obama.”

Obama's family tree has more twists and turns than a macramé project.

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