HolyCoast: Political Quote of the Day
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Friday, January 29, 2010

Political Quote of the Day

From conservative radio host Dennis Miller, commenting on Obama's petty tirade against the Supreme Court during the State of the Union address:
Obama chose to call out the only 9 guys in the room that did their homework in law school. And the rest who ended up settling for politics stood and and cheered it.
Obama also chose to pick on the only people in the room who couldn't fight back. How courageous. He expected the Justices to just sit there and take it, but just the slightest head nod and quiet comment from Alito turned his speech on its head. It is now the story of the speech and not anything else that was said during the 81 minutes.

An attorney adds this:
William Jacobson thinks it's a revealing moment: "The attack on the Supreme Court during the State of the Union was a window into Obama's divisive soul. I have posted numerous times before about Obama's need to identify and campaign against enemies. He did it during the campaign and he does it every day in office. Last night it was (mostly) the bankers and Wall Street (which donated more money to his campaign than to Republicans) and the Senate Republicans who were his target. But if those were the only attacks, it would have been merely another typical political speech. The attack on the Supreme Court exposes the intolerance of this President. The politician who campaigned and allegedly champions the rule of law actually has very little use for the rule of law when it does not advance his political agenda. Last night was an attempt at intimidation, a chance to work the referees on the sideline during a home game with the guarantee of crowd approval."

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