HolyCoast: Political Quote of the Day
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Political Quote of the Day

From Sen. Barbara "Dumb-as-a-Box-of-Rocks" Boxer:
“Every state is now in play.”
Yes, they are. And especially those states represented by dimwits, like California.

In fact, things are heating up in the California GOP Senate race:
Former Congressman Tom Campbell, who only last week switched his political sights from the governor’s race to the U.S. Senate, has become the front runner in the California GOP Senate primary.

In a survey completed between January 5 and 17, The Field Poll finds Campbell the choice of 30% of likely GOP primary election voters, businesswoman Carly Fiorina receives 25%, while Assemblyman Chuck DeVore trails at 6%. About four in ten (39%) of GOP primary voters are undecided. …

When paired against each of the GOP candidates in general election match-ups, Boxer leads Campbell by ten points (48% to 38%), Fiorina by fifteen points (50% to 35%) and DeVore by seventeen points (51% to 34%).
Campbell and DeVore are the true conservatives in the race. Fiorina has lots of money but is not as conservative. We'll see who prevails. Right now I think those polls showing Boxer in the lead are being generous to the Dems.

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