HolyCoast: Could Dems Be Facing a Man-Made Disaster in Indiana
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Could Dems Be Facing a Man-Made Disaster in Indiana

The word that Sen. Evan Bayh was retiring from the Senate just a day or so before the filing deadline left the Democrats in that state with a big problem. Had no candidate been able to get enough signatures to qualify in time the expectation was the state party could choose their own person.

However, one candidate has been attempting to qualify for the ballot for some time and is close enough she just might make it - especially if enough Indiana Republicans jump in at the last minute and help her:
It would be something close to a nightmare scenario for Democrats: were [Tamyra] D’Ippolito to qualify for the ballot, she would be the likely nominee and the party would be left to face the GOP with a political neophyte who said she is running in part to take on a party establishment she said practices “sexism with a big S.”

It’s precisely what Bayh had hoped to avoid. By disclosing his retirement one day before the filing deadline, the idea was that no Democrat would qualify for the primary ballot and the party’s state central committee could tap their favored candidate…

“This would be a complete and unmitigated disaster,” said a leading Democrat in the state. “We’d be up sh—’s creek.”…

She said she was committed to the race in part because she was sick of the male-dominated Democratic Party in the state.

“It’s very much an old boys club in Indiana and I’m out to break it,” she said.
If she qualifies the state party won't have the option to place a candidate of their choice on the ballot. They'll be stuck with this feminista Dem.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of folks.

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