HolyCoast: A Little Civic Duty Tonight
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Monday, February 15, 2010

A Little Civic Duty Tonight

For only the 2nd time in 20 years I've lived in this town I'm going to attend the Mission Viejo City Council Meeting tonight. The first time was in 2004 when the Council honored the high school marching band my daughter was in, and tonight's meeting will feature the departure of recently recalled Mayor Lance MacLean and the swearing in of my friend Dave Leckness to take his place on the Council.

They'll also be choosing the new mayor (my guess it will go to Mayor Pro Tem Trish Kelley). I'm not sure if you're allowed to bring cameras into the Council chambers but if I can I'll try to get some photos.

Given the divisions currently going on in this city this meeting could be pretty entertaining.

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