HolyCoast: Dem Rep. Stupak: Obamacare Bill is Still Unacceptable
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dem Rep. Stupak: Obamacare Bill is Still Unacceptable

Rep. Bart Stupak was responsible for the anti-abortion funding language in the House Obamacare bill. He doesn't like what's he's seeing in the president's proposal:
This statement from Bart Stupak is conciliatory in tone, but not in substance, and it isn't going to make things easy in the House:

I was pleased to see that President Obama’s health care proposal did not include several of the sweetheart deals provided to select states in the Senate bill. Unfortunately, the President's proposal encompasses the Senate language allowing public funding of abortion. The Senate language is a significant departure from current law and is unacceptable. While the President has laid out a health care proposal that brings us closer to resolving our differences, there is still work to be done before Congress can pass comprehensive health care reform.?
It will actually be easier to take that language out and pass the bill than leaving it in. My guess is a lot of pro-abortion lefties would suck it up and vote for a bill without abortion funding if they believed they could add it back later.

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