HolyCoast: The Recipe for Passing Obamacare: More Obama
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Recipe for Passing Obamacare: More Obama

Yeah, that's the ticket. From Jim Geraghty:
This sentence, deep in the Washington Post’s coverage of the health care summit, made me shake my head and glad I’m not a Congressional Democrat:

The White House's best hope — perhaps its only hope — is that Obama can use a masterful performance during the six-hour appearance to "stiffen the spine" of congressional Democrats, one senior official said, persuading them to pass health-care legislation using the mechanism known as reconciliation, which requires a simple majority of 51 rather than 60 votes to prevail in the Senate.

Great, they’ve ordered up another “masterful performance.” I expect copper prices to rise as the administration assembles the biggest, loudest, shiniest cowbell ever.

Just how many people will actually watch this thing, let alone six hours of it. I won't even watch six hours of the Olympics, let alone a health care dog-and-pony show.

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