HolyCoast: Democrats Would Rather Pass Obamacare Than Win Elections
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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Democrats Would Rather Pass Obamacare Than Win Elections

Andy McCarthy offers a warning to those who think Democrats will moderate their views if faced with an electoral disaster:
Today's Democrats are controlled by the radical Left, and it is more important to them to execute the permanent transformation of American society than it is to win the upcoming election cycles. They have already factored in losing in November — even losing big. For them, winning big now outweighs that. I think they're right.

I hear Republicans getting giddy over the fact that "reconciliation," if it comes to that, is a huge political loser. That's the wrong way to look at it. The Democratic leadership has already internalized the inevitablility of taking its political lumps. That makes reconciliation truly scary. Since the Dems know they will have to ram this monstrosity through, they figure it might as well be as monstrous as they can get wavering Democrats to go along with. Clipping the leadership's statist ambitions in order to peel off a few Republicans is not going to work. I'm glad Republicans have held firm, but let's not be under any illusions about what that means. In the Democrat leadership, we are not dealing with conventional politicians for whom the goal of being reelected is paramount and will rein in their radicalism. They want socialized medicine and all it entails about government control even more than they want to win elections. After all, if the party of government transforms the relationship between the citizen and the state, its power over our lives will be vast even in those cycles when it is not in the majority. This is about power, and there is more to power than winning elections, especially if you've calculated that your opposition does not have the gumption to dismantle your ballooning welfare state.

Consequently, the next six weeks, like the next ten months, are going to be worse than we think. We're wired to think that everyone plays by the ususal rules of politics — i.e., if the tide starts to change, the side against whom it has turned modifies its positions in order to stay viable in the next election. But what will happen here will be the opposite. You have a party with the numbers to do anything it puts its mind to, led by movement Leftitsts who see their window of opportunity is closing. We seem to expect them to moderate because that's what everybody in their position does. But they won't. They will put their heads down and go for as much transformation as they can get, figuring that once they get it, it will never be rolled back. The only question is whether there are enough Democrats who are conventional politicians and who care about being reelected, such that they will deny the leadership the numbers it needs. But I don't think we should take much heart in this possibility. Those Democrats may well come to think they are going to lose anyway — that's why so many of them are abandoning ship now. If that's the case, their incentive will be to vote with the leadership.
This is why the president will announce on Wednesday that they will go ahead with reconciliation in an attempt to pass some form of Obamacare before they lose their electoral majorities. They look at socialize medicine as their legacy to America, even if it means they don't have power again for a decade.


Nightingale said...

Then we vote the bums out. After they're out, we dismantle or just plain neuter "Obamacare."

Robert Fanning said...

Republicans will not get sufficient control of the senate to override a veto of legislation dismantling the medical system takeover by the government. Thus, the system will be in place, and no politician will be able to survive an attempt to negate the takeover. If the Democrats get the votes now to pass health care, we will be stuck...including massive federal debt...for the foreseeable future.

jan said...

The GOP needs to begin de-neutering this piece of crap immediately if it passes.