HolyCoast: Firms Fleeing California
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Firms Fleeing California

The Business Relocation Coach blog has assembled a partial listing of 100 firms that are leaving California or moving jobs out-of-state:
It's no mystery what causes companies to leave California -- high taxes, undue regulation, workers’ comp costs, a legal environment stacked against businesses, and lengthy and costly construction permitting requirements.

Other contributing factors include agencies being staffed with individuals unsympathetic or even hostile to business concerns. Wildly excessive government spending contributes to unpredictable government behavior at the state level and also the local level.

The blog post includes the list of firms and the number of jobs moved elsewhere. Pretty scary for those of us who'd like to stay here.

Speaking of California taxes, a friend who is a tax preparer is noticing that many people who got a refund from the state in 2009 are paying extra this year. For one thing the dependent credit was unceremoniously cut from $309 to $98. That's like getting a $211 dollar tax hike on each dependent. For a family of four that's $844 in extra state taxes. And still the state is in the budget toilet.

Maybe next year they'll charge everybody something extra for each dependent instead of giving a credit.


Sam L. said...

I see Facebook will open a facility in Prineville, OR, which does need jobs. Given the recent changes in business and personal taxes, and the usual cast of idiots in gumment, they would likely have been better advised to go to Utah or Idaho.

Nightingale said...

I'm single, no dependents, I take no deductions, and even arranged for my employer to take out an extra $10 each month to the State, and I still owe them over $200 this year.

Greedy, lazy bums in Sacramento.