HolyCoast: Hit-and-Run by Secret Service Vehicle UPDATE: State Department Vehicle
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Thursday, February 04, 2010

Hit-and-Run by Secret Service Vehicle UPDATE: State Department Vehicle

That's what Daily Caller blogger Jim Treacher is alleging happened to him in Washington D.C. last night:
Sometime between 7 and 7:30, not long after I got home from work, I walked to the CVS on 22nd and M to get some bread, milk, and a SmartTrip card. I was right across the street from the CVS, and I waited for the crosswalk light to tell me to go before I crossed. I had plenty of time left, according to the countdown clock. I was more than halfway there when a black SUV made an illegal left turn and hit me head-on. I absolutely had the right of way. I yelled something like, “Are you really doing this?” as it hit me before I could move. I landed on my face on the street and smashed my glasses and scraped my hand and immediately I knew something was wrong with my left knee. I lay there screaming and cursing for I don’t know how long, and a crowd of people gathered and told me to hold still. I was sprawled out right next to the yellow line as traffic went by. I gave one guy standing over me the number to the Daily Caller offices and he told them what happened. There’s a firehouse right across the street, so the paramedics were there in just a couple of minutes. They took me to Georgetown Hospital, where I was soon joined by my friends and co-workers Moira Bagley, Tucker Carlson, Neil Patel, and Laura BaƱos. All of whom I love. Unironically. I was x-rayed and CAT-scanned and given pain medication and told that my knee was broken. I almost passed out twice from the pain. They immobilized it, but if I tried to move it and didn’t get it exactly right, my whole leg tried to close up like a fist and I couldn’t get away from the pain. I’m typing this on Neil’s laptop on my chest on his fold-out bed in his basement and trying to move as little as possible. Now that I’ve written this out, maybe I can sleep. Sorry for the sloppiness, but I just wanted to get it out while it’s fresh in my mind.

One last thing: I’m told by multiple people that the SUV that hit me was Secret Service. If this is true, I want to know why that happened. I was crossing legally, and they just left me there. At the very least, I want an apology. What happened to me was wrong.
I don't think we've heard the last of this story.

UPDATE from Michelle Malkin:
However, the police added insult to injury by issuing Jim a citation for jaywalking, which Tucker Carlson tells me is “completely false and made up.” Tucker also talked to the driver today, who refused to discuss his employer. Keep an eye on the Daily Caller — this story has gotten stranger and may get stranger still.
UPDATE 2 From the Daily Caller:
The Daily Caller has been told by federal law enforcement sources that the Secret Service was not involved, and is working to confirm that the driver of the vehicle which struck Jim Treacher was a State Department security employee.
Another lengthy UPDATE from the Daily Caller.


Sam L. said...

It's D.C.; it's been strange for years. Stranger lately, though.

Robert Fanning said...

Hard to imagine that an approaching SUV would have recognized a person to be a website blogger, made the left turn, said to be an illegal turn, and left the scene of the accident. Perhaps there is more to the story, however, the details provided leave much to ponder. No mention of anyone reporting this to the police, though there were apparently several who saw the accident. How did the observers know/assume the vehicle to be Secret Service? How, if Ms Malkin is correct, did Tucker Carlson know who was the driver, how to contact him and get any information even though not the employer information? How did the police know that Mr Treacher was crossing illegally? If they were there to observe, they would also have been able to ID the offending SUV. More questions than answers...at times like this one must question the assertions as much as anything else.