HolyCoast: I Guess the Dalai Lama Doesn't Watch a Lot of Golf
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Guess the Dalai Lama Doesn't Watch a Lot of Golf

Tiger who?
The Dalai Lama commented on Tiger Woods' sex scandals Saturday, saying self-discipline is among Buddhism's highest values, one day after Woods said he had strayed from his Buddhist faith.

Tibet's exiled spiritual leader told The Associated Press during a brief interview in his hotel suite in Beverly Hills that he had not heard of Woods, but when the circumstances were explained to him he said that when it comes to adultery, "all religions have the same idea."

The Lama was in Washington this week and met with Obama, much to the aggravation of the Chinese. However, Obama did his best to placate the angry ChiComs by refusing to meet the Lama in the Oval Office and by showing him out the back door where all the garbage goes. The photo is here.

As far as Tiger and his return to Buddhism, I still think Brit Hume had it right.

1 comment:

Beth said...

It is refreshing to know that there is at least one person in the world who has not been subjected to the media's Tiger-fest!!