HolyCoast: Mission Viejo Special Election Results - UPDATED
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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Mission Viejo Special Election Results - UPDATED

When I went to bed last night I thought all the votes in the Mission Viejo Special Election had been counted, only to find this morning that there were still 1,140 ballots that had to be tabulated. They were mostly absentee ballots dropped off at polling places, plus some provisional ballots. At the end of the night the recall of Mayor Lance MacLean had won by just 118 votes.

The Registrar of Voters just posted the final numbers, including the extra ballots, and look what happened:

2/3/10 5:00 pm UPDATE: From the OC Registrar of Voters - with 38 of 38 precincts counted:

Recall of Mayor Lance MacLean
  • Yes 7,370 50.1%
  • No 7,351 49.9%
Wow - when MacLean won re-election in 2006 he won by only 94 votes. Now he's lost by just 19. I wouldn't be surprised to see a recount.

  • Dave Leckness 6,396 54.6%
  • Dale Tyler 5,311 45.4%
My guy won (assuming the recall result stands).

I wondered when I went to vote if my ballot might count a little more than usual because of the low turnout. Looks like it did.

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