HolyCoast: Peaceniks Plan to Protest George W. Bush in Dana Point
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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Peaceniks Plan to Protest George W. Bush in Dana Point

The former president is coming to the Holy Coast this week to accept an award from a Catholic pro-life group and the lefties are fuming:
Peace activists are planning on Thursday to protest George W. Bush's visit here to speak and accept an award for his pro-life efforts at a Catholic summit, even though it is not entirely clear when specifically the former president will attend.

It is "outrageous that he's receiving a pro-life award," said Sharon Tipton, an organizer of the protest with a group called the Orange County Peace Coalition, which she described as an umbrella group for other local peace organizations.

"It's an Orwellian irony because Bush has caused so many deaths with an illegal war," she said.

Legatus, a Catholic organization for business and civic leaders, is holding its annual summit Thursday through Saturday at the St. Regis resort, where Bush is expected to be honored.
Isn't Cindy Sheehan available? It would be just like old times to have her sitting in a ditch across from the St. Regis.

1 comment:

Robert Fanning said...

Since Congress authorized the war, the tag of illegal is simply not true. One could argue that the need was debatable, that the methods used were questionable, or other gripes, however, illegal is not one of the facts.