HolyCoast: Obama Still Pushing Global Warming
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Obama Still Pushing Global Warming

It's clear from these remarks in Nevada that Obama is still a true believer in the religion of global warming:
Okay. Well, let me just talk about -- this is -- when the conservatives have their conventions and they yell at me and say how terrible I am -- (laughter) -- along with health care this is the other thing that they usually point out, which is that "the President wants to create this cap and trade system and it's going to be a job killer and it's one more step in the government takeover of the American economy." So this is a good place for me to maybe just spend a little time talking about energy and climate change.

First of all, we just got five feet of snow in Washington and so everybody is like -- a lot of the people who are opponents of climate change, they say, see, look at that, there's all this snow on the ground, this doesn't mean anything. I want to just be clear that the science of climate change doesn't mean that every place is getting warmer; it means the planet as a whole is getting warmer. But what it may mean is, for example, Vancouver, which is supposed to be getting snow during the Olympics, suddenly is at 55 degrees, and Dallas suddenly is getting seven inches of snow.

The idea is, is that as the planet as a whole gets warmer, you start seeing changing weather patterns, and that creates more violent storm systems, more unpredictable weather. So any single place might end up being warmer; another place might end up being a little bit cooler; there might end up being more precipitation in the air, more monsoons, more hurricanes, more tornadoes, more drought in some places, floods in other places.

So I just -- that's one aspect of the science that I think everybody should understand.
Either he has chosen to ignore the many revelations that have come out about ClimateGate and all the fraud in the IPCC reports, or his staff is hiding it from him. I tend to believe the former because Obama desperately needs cap-and-tax money to fund his wild spending and leftist agenda. Giving up on that means giving up on most of what he wants to do in office.


Goofy Dick said...

This climate change stuff is getting a big push by Obama. Unfortunately, Obama once again has the cart before the horse. People are wanting the president to show some progress on getting the economy rolling again so they can find employment. The public is NOT interested in Cap & Trade or Obamacare!!!! Somehow, Obama just doesn't get it.

Ann's New Friend said...

He doesn't need to be aware of changes in the fortunes of the climate change science because this was never about science in the first place. He is lying. He wants to money and the power that goes with the money (with using other people's money).

But let's just take his explanation at face value: "The idea is, is that as the planet as a whole gets warmer, you start seeing changing weather patterns, and that creates more violent storm systems, more unpredictable weather." The "idea" is that the entire planet is warming. It's warming in comparison with what? It's planetary history? One hundred years out of 4.6 billion years is nothing. It's a blink.

"Global warming" began as real science when someone thought they saw a corelation between CO2 and mean temperature fluctuations. The science ended, however, at some as yet uninvestigated moment when canny politicians saw an opportunity to grab power.

The earth is believed to be 4.6 billion years old based upon radiometric dating of uranium and thorium [source http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~pgore/geology/geo102/age.htm]

The earliest "modern" humans date from 46,000 years ago. If meteorology was the first profession, it still hasn't been around long enough to make much of an observational dent in the climate history of planet Earth.

Mr. Obama is blowing smoke; he doesn't care. I'm guessing he avoided taking science classes himself during college, probably has never picked up a science book in his life. He doesn't care. He's lying.

Science is FAMOUS for being wrong about almost everything on the first go round, which is why true science and intellectual skepticism go together like a horse and carriage.

He's lying, he's lying. Plain and simple. (PS - 4.6 billion years is probably close to how long it will take us to bail ourselves out of his staggering debt.)

Time to take Obama's credit cards away.

Sam L. said...

He wants the money. And the power. And more money. And more power.