HolyCoast: Rep. John Murtha has Died
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Monday, February 08, 2010

Rep. John Murtha has Died

The architect of the "Airport for Nobody" and any number of other earmarks, not to mention the author of many memorable statements and a man with a checkered history, has died today. This from The Corner:
Rep. John Murtha (D., Pa.) has died at the age of 77.
You can see previous posts on Rep. Murtha by clicking on the label below.

His passing will result in a very competitive special election, probably in May. The prognosticators of such things now label that district a "toss-up".

UPDATE: Democrats are quick to use Murtha's death to push for Obamacare. Of course, he had the best health care and health care plan available and he still died of complications from gall bladder surgery, something which is a fairly common procedure. Obamacare isn't going to fix that.


Anonymous said...

Hey at least you didn't make jokes this time. What a shame a self professing christian can't have a little compassion when someone dies. He was at least pro life which is more than you can say for Scott Brown. Shame your supposed christian love never comes out on this site. What a shame!!!!

Rick Moore said...

Go eat a prune.