HolyCoast: Toyota is Fighting an Activist US Government
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Monday, February 22, 2010

Toyota is Fighting an Activist US Government

The execs at Toyota will be treated to a good old fashioned congressional anal exam this week, and their internal documents show that they know what they're fighting against:
Internal Toyota documents derided the Obama administration and Democratic Congress as “activist” and “not industry friendly,” a revelation that comes days before the giant automaker’s top executives testify on Capitol Hill amid a giant recall.

According to a presentation obtained under subpoena by the House Oversight and Government Relations committee, Toyota referred to the “changing political environment” as one of its main challenges and anticipated a “more challenging regulatory” environment under the Obama administration’s purview.

This document, in addition to piles of other records, will be front and center this week as the Japanese automaker girds to face lawmakers hungry for answers about a recall that has the company teetering.
If I were Toyota I'd come in there with guns blazing and basically accuse the Democrats and Obama of trying to hurt their company in order to prop up GM,Chrysler and the auto unions. It will infuriate the Democrats and should make for some great TV. Since they're not going to get any sympathy from the majority in Congress they really haven't got anything to lose from an aggressive approach.

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