HolyCoast: 46% of Physicians Think Obamacare Will Force Them out of Medicine
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

46% of Physicians Think Obamacare Will Force Them out of Medicine

Where will Obama find all those guys in white lab coats to populate his press conferences? From Hot Air:
And you thought wait times were long now. The New England Journal of Medicine, hardly a bastion of conservative thought, polled health-care providers to determine their reaction to ObamaCare, and discovered that it has many doctors looking for the exits. Almost half of all general-practice doctors would feel compelled to leave medicine altogether if it passes:
  • 46.3% of primary care physicians (family medicine and internal medicine) feel that the passing of health reform will either force them out of medicine or make them want to leave medicine.
  • 36% of physicians would not recommend medicine as a career, regardless of health reform. 27% would recommend medicine as a career but not if health reform passes.
  • 62.7% of physicians feel that health reform is needed but should be implemented in a more targeted, gradual way, as opposed to the sweeping overhaul that is in legislation.
Who wants to be just another government bureaucrat? The money won't be as good, the working conditions likely to be atrocious (at least as compared to today), and the interactions with patients tightly controlled.

Anyone remember playing the "Game of Life" where the best occupation you could hope for was doctor? They'll have to redo the game because medicine will become a very unattractive option, promising years of study, mountains of debt, and a job that will be government drudgery.

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