HolyCoast: Abortion Still Messing Up Pelosi's Plans
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Abortion Still Messing Up Pelosi's Plans

From CNN:
The divisive issue of abortion is once again causing eleventh hour problems for House Democrats as they plan to move forward on health care reform.

Anti-abortion Democrat Bart Stupak of Michigan is asking for a vote on his language restricting taxpayer funding for abortion, and a group of female abortion rights Democrats came out of an emergency meeting in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office Friday evening visibly angry about the prospect.

Rep. Diana Degette, D-Colorado, told reporters a vote on Stupak's measure was a "non starter" and said "somewhere between 40 and 55" abortion rights Democrats would bolt from the bill.

"We are holding firm this time," she insisted. "If Mr. Stupak and a few members along with the Republicans decide to use this to take health care down, that loss of health care will be in their hands."

It's not yet clear how seriously Democratic leaders are considering allowing a vote on Stupak's abortion language, or in what form.

But Stupak told CNN he is in discussions with Pelosi.

"We had a good discussion with the speaker on the floor," said Stupak. "But there was no agreement and there's no agreement until we see it in writing and we get a chance to massage it."

It would be really entertaining if Stupak were to get a vote on his measure which resulted in a bunch of pro-choicers abandoning Obamacare.

UPDATE: Now hearing that Stupak has cancelled his press conference and a group of pro-abortion congresswomen announced that there will be no vote on the Stupak language. That should pretty much lock Stupak up as a "no" vote.

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