HolyCoast: Call the Roll
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Call the Roll

Minority Leader John Boehner is asking Nancy Pelosi for a rare roll call vote in the House:
House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) requesting that the final health care votes be recorded by “call of the roll” so that every lawmaker is required to publicly announce their vote on the House floor.

“This weekend’s votes will be among the most consequential votes we will ever cast as Members of Congress,” Boehner says in the letter to Speaker Pelosi. “As such, it is my belief that every Member should stand before the American people and announce his or her vote as the final decision is made.”

According to the rules of the House of Representatives, “Unless the Speaker directs otherwise, the Clerk shall conduct a record vote or quorum call by electronic device. … The Speaker may direct the Clerk to conduct a record vote or quorum call by call of the roll. In such a case the Clerk shall call the names of Members, alphabetically by surname.”

He won't get the roll call, but I'm glad he's asking for it. The House members should be required to stand up and let everyone know, in their own voice, whether they support freedom or tyranny.


Goofy Dick said...

This Obama Health Care bill is so full of crap that none of the Democrats want their vote recorded on it. They don't want their constituents to know how they stand on the issue so as not to be voted out of office in November. I doubt if any of them have even read what all is in the bill as it changes from hour to hour.

Sharon said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what is known as Obama Transparency.

Sam L. said...

The obvious reaction is, if votes are not recorded, your Dem representative is DEEMED to have voted for it.

Act/vote accordingly.