HolyCoast: Another Great Moment in the California Legislature
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Friday, March 05, 2010

Another Great Moment in the California Legislature

From Political Wire:
California Sen. Roy Ashburn (R), "who has racked up a consistently anti-gay voting record over the years" was spotted by the openly-gay mayor of West Sacramento at gay clubs a number of times over the years, TPM reports.

Ashburn is the lawmaker
caught drunk driving earlier this week after reportedly leaving a gay night club.

Interestingly, the
Bakersfield Californian asked Ashburn about rumors that he was gay last summer. His response: "Why would that be anyone's business? I think there are certain subjects that are simply not relevant and this is one of them. It has no bearing on the job I do."

This does raise an interesting question: What is an "anti-gay voting record?"

Is it really "anti-gay" or is it "anti-gay rights" or "anti-liberal political correctness?" I think it's perfectly possible for a gay person to oppose certain changes in the law, such as gay marriage or special preferences related to sexual orientation, without being "anti-gay".

Identity politics demands that all people in given group are supposed to share the same political philosophy. Black conservatives are shunned because identity politics demands that blacks be liberal Democrats. I imagine the same is true with gays and gay rights issues.

This guy clearly had issues and was probably trying to hide a private part of his life he didn't want publicized. However, it would be wrong to assume his voting record was simply an effort to deny his sexual preference.

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