HolyCoast: Health Care Quote of the Day
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Friday, March 05, 2010

Health Care Quote of the Day

Born on Christmas Eve and resurrected on Easter. Sound familiar? From Rush:
"So he wants Obamacare passed on Easter. Do you realize this guy ruined our summer, this guy ruined our Thanksgiving, this guy ruined our Christmas, and now he's going to ruin our Easter by trying to ramrod something nobody wants down their throats -- and on Easter! There's something very symbolic about that. I'm going to get to that. Obamacare was born on Christmas Eve, and now they want to resurrect it on Easter. Some might say that the bill was conceived on Christmas Eve, but the template will fit a messiah if it passes. How better to portray yourself as a real messiah if your signature issue is born (or conceived, whatever) on Christmas Eve, and dies, and then is resurrected on Easter?"
And to carry the analogy a little further, any Dems that vote for it will be crucified in November.

1 comment:

g said...

Not only will those who vote for this wacky ObamaCare be crucified, they will NOT be rising again on the 3rd day, hopefully never.