HolyCoast: "Baby Killer" Shout Wins Support
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Baby Killer" Shout Wins Support

Rep. Randy Neugebauer said this afternoon that his shout of "baby killer" amid Congressional debate over health care legislation Sunday night has drawn a "tremendous outpouring" of phone calls, emails, and financial contributions "telling me, 'Congressman, thank you for taking a stand.'"

"You wouldn’t believe the emails and the phone calls of people calling and saying just, "Thank you, Congressman, for taking a stand for the unborn," he told POLITICO in an interview. He said he had "no idea" how much money he's raised, though he addresses the subject just above a "Donate" button on his campaign website.

"People are outpouring their support to me and that’s whats important – this is not about money," he said.

Neugebauer maintains that his shout was directed at the health care legislation, not at Rep. Bart Stupak, and he said he called Stupak and then approached him on the floor of the House to apologize. But Stupak today said he thought Neugebauer should apologize more formally during House proceedings.

"I’m a little confused about that – he said yesterday, 'Let’s put this behind us,' he said apologies have been made, its time to move on," Neugebauer said. "I’m a little perplexed. Maybe he's getting pressure from the left to stoke this, and I think that’s regrettable."
Other Dems, such as James Clyburn, are demanding an apology to the entire House. Neugebauer basically told him the "baby killer" statement was true and he could go pound sand.

Again, good.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Are we, the American people, going to get an apology from the congress for what they just did to us? I don't think so!