HolyCoast: Guess What DIDN'T Get Signed Today?
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Guess What DIDN'T Get Signed Today?

Stupak's executive order:
President Obama signed the Senate health care bill into law Tuesday. He did not sign the executive order on abortion negotiated with Michigan Democratic Congressman Bart Stupak in an 11th-hour arrangement that may well have saved the entire health care reform effort.

A White House official told Fox, Obama will not sign the Executive Order Tuesday and has set no specific date to do so. Stupak predicted Obama would sign the order later this week. The White House said only that Obama would sign the order “soon.”

In two celebratory speeches Tuesday - one at the bill’s signing, the other at the Interior Department with health care advocates - Obama said nothing about the abortion issue or the executive order.
Bart Stupak is a fool. He traded his morals for a meaningless order and a few bucks for some airports.

The question now is whether Obama will ever sign the order.


Larry Sheldon said...

I think BS traded his vote for $750,000.

There were no morals involved anywhere.

Robert Fanning said...

What has not been mentioned in the Stupak cave in is the likely addendum to the monies for his district. It is likely that the administration made clear to Rep Stupak that if he did not accept the offer of the president's executive offer and the monies for his district, the voters in his district would not get the monies and they would learn that Rep Stupak was the one person who ruined that deal. In a contentious election year such a revelation during the campaign would have surely ruined his day.

Whether Rep Stupak could win another term is anybodies guess at this point. Had he not acquiesced he could have kissed his career goodbye.