HolyCoast: The Biggest "Faith-Based" Vote Ever
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Biggest "Faith-Based" Vote Ever

Don't ever accuse the Dems of lacking religion. They're being asked to place their faith in the gods of the Senate:
The health care overhaul facing the House this week is being called the biggest faith-based vote ever considered by Congress.

That's because the White House and Democratic leaders, who express certainty that the House will approve a Senate-passed health care bill, insist the widely-reviled bill won't become law even though President Obama must sign it into law before changes demanded by House lawmakers can be made.

Get it?

"Here's what the House Democrats are being asked to do. They're being asked by the president to hold hands, jump off a cliff and hope (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid catches them in the Senate after the bill is law," said Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.

"Trust the untrustworthy Senate," is the message Rep. Anthony Weiner says Democrats are being asked to do this week. Weiner, D-N.Y., who supports a so-called public option that is not in the Senate bill, suggested in a statement Sunday that trust is a big leap for lawmakers who've seen 290 bills passed by the House ignored by the Senate in the last 14 months.

And they're being asked to pass something without actually voting on it, a maneuver sure to be seen as unconstitutional by the courts and outrageous by the voters. It's a suicide pact with the Senate playing the role of Japanese Admirals and the House playing the role of kamikaze pilots.

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