HolyCoast: The Getty Center - Architecture and Tours
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Getty Center - Architecture and Tours

We had a lengthy visit to The Getty Center in Los Angeles today and I took a bunch of photos which I'll probably split up into three different posts - the architecture and tours, the artwork, and the flora and fauna. Visiting is very inexpensive - $15 for parking and no admission fee.

First, here's the view from the museum toward Beverly Hills and Westwood.
And off in the hazy distance you could see downtown L.A.
From the parking lot you take a tram up to the Getty Center complex.
We joined an Exhibit Highlight tour that took us through the major exhibits, pointing out some key items during the hour we spent with our tour guide. I'd recommend it for a first time visitor.
Here's the plaza area between the major exhibit buildings.
Come of the very interesting architecture, a walkway between the entrance building and one of the exhibit halls.
Looking toward the administration building. If you stand in the right spot those 12 or so trees are perfectly aligned.
Looking back up the hill through the garden area toward the main complex. We stopped here as part of the afternoon garden tour.
From the very back of the garden area.

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