HolyCoast: The Coffee Party
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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The Coffee Party

As they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery, and some lefties, angry at the success of the Tea Party Movement, have started their own movement creatively called "The Coffee Party". According to a fawning Washington Post piece on the founder, here are their main goals:
...promote civility and inclusiveness in political discourse, engage the government not as an enemy but as the collective will of the people, push leaders to enact the progressive change for which 52.9 percent of the country voted in 2008.
And with that you can see where the wheels will come off for this movement. While 52.9% of people may have voted for hope, change, unicorns, and rainbows in 2008, that number is now down somewhere around 44% on Rasmussen and sinking. The independents who made up a big part of hope, change, unicorns and rainbows have fled Obama and the Democrats in droves. To assume you can enact policies based on old polling numbers is simply naive. The "collective will of the people" has changed, and not in Obama's favor.

At best this will be a decaf Coffee Party.


Ann's New Friend said...

What a hoot! Well, what's also evident is that the latte crowd isn't very well versed in early American history. And as for taxes, they must have taken it very much to heart when President Obama said they "will not see" their taxes raised on dime.

They're in the dark about a lot more than just taxes.

Ann's New Friend said...

Please read that as "'will not see' their taxes raised one dime."

Sorry, too much caffeine.