HolyCoast: The Getty Center - Some of the Artwork
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Getty Center - Some of the Artwork

There is room after room of fabulously expensive and famous artwork through the Getty Center. You can photograph most of them as long as you don't use a flash, and my camera did a pretty good job, even in rather low light situations. Here are some of the highlights.

One thing that would make me nervous as a cat if I ran the place, they don't use rope lines or anything to keep people away from the paintings, other than a quick word from a guard. You can get surprisingly close to these great masterworks.

Besides artwork there was a display of illuminated manuscripts dating back to the 1500's, such as this one.

Also included was a very large collection of French decorative arts, such as this bed:
And when I saw this clock...
I couldn't help but think of this.
Louis XIV - the Elton John of his day.
This piece is the most expensive piece in the collection. They didn't tell us what it's worth. It's by an Italian artist in the 1500's.

When not painting ceilings Michaelangelo knocked this item out.
Some of the most striking works were by Rembrandt. His use of light was just amazing.
Another Rembrandt.
The French impressionists were also represented. Here's a Monet.
And Van Gogh.
And this item by Renoir.
Lot more where that came from, including extensive works from the Renaissance period, much of it with Biblical origins. My wife wondered what those people would have painted if it wasn't for the Bible.

1 comment:

Larry Sheldon said...

Look at http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dO9bg4_tViM/S52d8K3BHOI/AAAAAAAAFPQ/CK1EduIiOKs/s400/Getty38.jpg

Then at http://www.daybydaycartoon.com/2010/03/14/