HolyCoast: The Ghost That Haunts Democrats Who Will Vote for Obamacare
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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Ghost That Haunts Democrats Who Will Vote for Obamacare

Top of the Ticket reminds us of a Dem congresswoman who put President Clinton's budget over the top...and with it new taxes. It didn't work out well for her:
She was a fresh force in politics, a former TV journalist who won election to Congress in 1992 from a district outside Philadelphia that Republicans had held since 1916. Promising to oppose new tax hikes and fight to hold down federal spending, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky came to Congress on the back of President Clinton's coattails.

Then she became the margin of victory for Clinton's 1993 budget, which actually eliminated the deficit for the first time in decades by raising federal taxes on the middle class. She knew she was committing political suicide but felt it was the right thing to do. As she cast her vote, Republicans salivated at the opportunity to defeat her -- filling the chamber with shouts of, "Goodbye Marjorie." She was defeated in the next election.

Now, as Democrats try to corral the needed votes to push President Obama's healthcare reform package across the finish line, conservatives have made no secret that they plan to use the same playbook to defeat moderates in usually Republican districts who vote for the bill. Already, Americans for Responsible Health Care -- a 527 campaign group funded by a single wealthy individual, the same one that backed Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown in his upset victory in January -- is running radio ads in seven states -- Arizona, Indiana, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia -- warning members of Congress who already voted for the bill once not to do it again.

"The majority of the American people oppose ObamaCare," said ARHC spokesman Jeff Cohen. "It's really quite simple -- if these members of Congress vote against the people again, then the people will undoubtedly return the favor in kind come November."

That 1994 election was a bloodbath for Democrats, losing control of both Houses of Congress. That year may look like a blip compared to what could happen this year if the Democrats continue on their current course.

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