HolyCoast: Social Security Cashing In Their IOUs
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Social Security Cashing In Their IOUs

This can't be good for anyone who would like to collect Social Security in the future (from The Corner):
We Interrupt Al Gore's Global Warming Debacle to Bring You this Message About Al Gore's Lock-Box [Andy McCarthy]

At Hot Air, Ed Morrissey notes that Social Security has begun dipping into that lock-box to tap those Treasury IOUs ... only to find the Treasury is tapped out, too. As Ed concludes, "The wheels have begun to fly off the entitlement juggernaut." What better time to enact a new, huge entitlement?

Read Ed's post at the link above. It's a sign of things to come if Obamacare passes.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

Thanks for reminding us about the lockbox! (I'd forgotten all about it.)

What a guy! The lockbox, the creation of the Internet, and the saving of the planet. Yes, indeedy, what a guy!