HolyCoast: Girls Can Wear Tuxes and Boys Can Wear High Heels
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Girls Can Wear Tuxes and Boys Can Wear High Heels

It's a brave new world we live in. Here are a couple of tweets from Rob Port:
School That Canceled Prom To Keep Lesbian Teenager From Attending Loses Lawsuit http://bit.ly/ciV6wt

Justice Department Investigating Schools Banning Boys In High Heels http://bit.ly/d3UMsj
And while we're looking at silly headlines:
Steny Hoyer: Health Care Bill Will Be Politically Popular http://bit.ly/8Y4yMY

1 comment:

Larry Sheldon said...

Third link is broken, should be:


I am so tired of all this whining about gender.

Let's mandate 27 different restrooms, or 1, or 0 (with PortaPotties in the hall).I really don't care who puts what where (including the traditional couplings), as long as I don't have to discuss it (or observe it) incessantly.