HolyCoast: GOP +10 in Generic Poll
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

GOP +10 in Generic Poll

Boy, the wheels are really falling off for the Dems. These highlights from the latest Rasmussen Poll courtesy of Reaganite Republican:

Voter unhappiness with Congress has reached the highest level ever recorded by Rasmussen- 71% now say the national legislature is doing a poor job.

Congress' top leaders are feeling the heat from voters this month, as separate polling shows that three of the four reaching or matching their highest unfavorable ratings of the past year.

Republicans are now trusted more than Democrats on eight out of 10 key issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen

Voters not affiliated with either major party continue to favor the GOP by a 41% to 22% margin.

71% believe the country is headed in the wrong direction... the highest pessimism since Obama took office... while Dear Leader's own approval index remains deep-cratered at -18%...

"Passing" Obamacare without actually voting on it will not help.

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