HolyCoast: Health Care Quote of the Day
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Health Care Quote of the Day

From Rush Limbaugh, explaining his description of Obama as a "third-world president":
"Snerdley's in a little fit here, folks. He thinks I've really stepped in it by referring to our president as a Third World president. 'What do you mean by that? You better explain what you mean by this.' It's very simple. We have to destroy our country in order to save our leader's face. Now, where does this happen? It happens in Cuba. It happens in North Korea. It happens in Venezuela. It happens in every Third World country there is. They destroy countries in order to save their face, build monuments to themselves. They're leaders for life or what have you. This is not a health care bill anymore. This is a save Obama's face bill. This is save Obama's bacon bill. Save Obama's presidency bill. It doesn't matter what's in it! He'll sign whatever he gets, as long as it says 'health care reform' somewhere in it."
There's a lot of truth in that. Obama realizes that the failure of his signature issue will represent a failure of his entire presidency to date, leaving him only with high unemployment and massive deficits to show for his more than a year in office. He desperately needs a win on this issue, even with a terrible bill that will do irreparable harm to the country.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

If Obama signs the ObamaCare Bill we have been led to believe it is, he should be made to "walk the plank". This ObamaCare thing is an affront to honest working American Citizens.