HolyCoast: Health Care Quote of the Day
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Health Care Quote of the Day

From Congressman Dr. Paul Brown to Nancy Pelosi:
“I have three simple questions Ms Pelosi. Are you so arrogant that you think you know what’s best for the American people? Are you so ignorant that you are oblivious to the wishes of the American people? And are you so incompetent that you are going to ignore the Constitution of the United States, use tricks, deceptions, bald faced lies to try to ram down the throat of the American people something that they do not want and is going to be absolutely worse for their healthcare?”


Ann's New Friend said...


This organization has a big billboard on Central Avenue on the commute leading out of Washington to Landover, MD -- one of the more affluent black neighborhoods in the country.

I just checked out their website: 7 lies in 2 minutes (they tactfully call them "prevarications")

It's impressive -- especially in light of Big O's attempt to take over the United States with his "health care."

Goofy Dick said...

Dr. Brown has expressed the truthful feelings of millions of American Citizens, it's so unfortunate that Pelosi is too dumb to figure this out. Eventually you will see a large segment of the population take to the streets trying to vomit this ObamaCare thing up.

Nightingale said...

I think the short answers to the Congressman's questions are yes, yes, and oh yes.