HolyCoast: Sunday Funnies
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunday Funnies

It won't be funny at all if Obamacare actually comes to a vote:
It will be close to a high-noon showdown on Sunday, as shortly thereafter the final debate on President Obama's health-care legislation is set to begin.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) announced the weekend debate schedule, with a 72-hour march culminating at 1 p.m. Sunday. Democrats expect a final vote sometime Sunday evening, Sunday night or possibly early Monday morning.

Hoyer also announced that the House will be considering legislation Sunday on protecting oceans and public lands -- one of which is likely to serve as the back-stop vote. On critical legislation such as this health-care vote, leaders usually place one bill to be voted on after the high-profile vote, as a way to force lawmakers to stay in the chamber after voting in case Democrats need to try to twist arms to get members to change 'no' votes to 'yes'.
John Boehner thinks it will never come to the floor if Pelosi hasn't got a lock on the votes. Let's hope there's no vote.

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