HolyCoast: How Will We Survive Such Violence?
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

How Will We Survive Such Violence?

A political headquarters is vandalized, a campaign office is shot up, and another ransacked. How will our society survive?

Oh wait, these aren't angry Tea Party activists going after Democrats, they're angry Democrats going after Republicans (from Instapundit):
REMEMBERING WHEN G.O.P. Offices Were Vandalized: “An apparent mob of vandals attacked the North Carolina Republican Party headquarters, causing minor smoke damage, breaking windows and leaving vulgar messages, police said.” I don’t remember a national panic over this, or over the bullet-riddled Bush/Cheney headquarters.

Then there was this episode. And, of course, this: “A group of protestors stormed and then ransacked a Bush-Cheney headquarters building in Orlando, Fla., Tuesday, according to Local 6 News.”

But those represented the righteous indignation of oppressed lefties, rather than the dangerous violence of nasty righties.

Oh, and this story from Fox today:
FOXWIRE: FOX has learned that the Richmond, VA campaign office of House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) was shot at overnight.

Cantor, is the highest-elected Jewish official in the country and the only Jewish Republican in the House.

And now this from Powerline:
The fact is that, unlike conservatives, modern liberals have had little quarrel with political violence. This is best demonstrated by their support for card check legislation, the entire point of which it to abolish the secret ballot so that union goons can use the threat of violence to extend union power and thereby enrich the Democratic Party. (If you doubt the truth of that proposition, try to think of another reason why the Democrats want to eliminate the secret ballot in union elections.) The beating of Kenneth Gladrey by union goons--more specifically, the lack of any interest in it by anyone in the Democratic Party, the media, or on the Left generally--shows how hypocritical the Democrats' current pacifism is. If the day ever comes when conservative groups start hiring goons, we can take the liberals' purported fears of violence more seriously.
And what about the racial slurs and spitting that was reportedly directed at members of the Black Congressional Caucus as they marched through protesters toward the Capitol on Saturday? From Gateway Pundit:
On Saturday the leftist media reported on a horrible story from their sources at the anti-military Jew-hatingconservative-hating Huffington Post. The media claimed that members of the Congressional Black Caucus were called n*ggers and spat on by tea party protesters as they walked from the Longworth office building to the Rayburn office building. At least one report said that it was “a chorus” of racist hatred. Reporters from ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX News, (including Bill O’Reilly), MSNBC, etc. reported on this horrible story.

Unfortunately, it was a fake. They had no evidence… Nothing. It was totally made up.

In fact, a video was later released that proved that there was no “chorus” of racist hatred and no one screamed the n-word. It was all a lie....

Yesterday, new video was released that confirms the spitting incident was bogus, too.
Dan Riehl reported:

There’s some higher resolution video below I hadn’t seen before. Unlike what was claimed during recent Tea Party protests in Washington, DC, it would appear Cleaver was simply walking close by in front of a protester. The protester’s hands were cupped as he was shouting. While it appears Cleaver may have experienced a spraying of sorts as a result of the yelling, it does not support a conclusion that he was intentionally spat upon, as claimed.

If you're of the mindset that angry white people are automatically racist, then I could see how you could take "kill the bill!" and turn it into the "n" word. Of course, such a mindset is in and of itself racist. And we can thank the media for taking the allegations of Democrats at face value without even bothering to look at the available video and analyzing it for themselves. The charges clearly fit their media template for angry white people.

Big Journalism adds this note of reality to the unreality of the racism charges:
Let’s remember that Nancy Pelosi followed this procession with a “perp walk” of her own, as she carried the giant gavel that hammered down the passage of Medicare in 1965 to its rendezvous with destiny. Does any rational person seriously believe that the Capitol Police or her security people would have let the Speaker of the House — second in line of succession to the presidency, right after the Vice President — walk into danger as alleged by the Congressional Black Caucus? Please.

That’s how much the Democrats need a racist Tea Party moment. To stop it in its tracks. That’s why on Saturday they used the Congressional Black Caucus to try to manufacture the false appearance of one. And when they didn’t get it, they did what they always do: they lied.

Alinsky taught them well: the ends justify the means. And that’s how the Democrats play. They love using black people as symbols of oppression. They love to use them for staged rallies, staged walks and staged protests. It’s why they fought so hard to keep the heavily minority ACORN alive. They were the portable army that would cry racism in front of your place of business until the company paid them off to go away.
And finally Roger Simon, a registered Democrat, responds to Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and his complaints about this new violence against his colleagues:
Dear Congressman Hoyer,

I have read your statement asking Republicans to condemn threats of violence that have been made toward Democratic representatives in the aftermath of the passage of the health care bill.

I am a registered Democrat, but since I have voted (mostly) Republican in recent years, let me assure you that I unequivocally condemn those threats and any possible acts of violence taken in response to the bill. That is not even remotely the way to settle such political disputes. Such things must be handled at the ballot box.

That said, and for similar reasons, I also unequivocally condemn the actions of the Democratic Party in running roughshod over the clear will of the American people. Every poll taken in proximity of the vote showed our citizenry in substantial opposition to the global health care reform being pushed through Congress by you, Speaker Pelosi and the administration.

And yet, in the grand tradition of totalitarian regimes everywhere, you employed “any means necessary” to make sure your ends were achieved, bribing and threatening your fellow Congressmen and women, etc. It is small wonder that our people are angry. It would be amazing if it were otherwise.

You have reaped a whirlwind by subverting a democracy. Now you must deal with it. The Democratic Party is no longer “progressive” or “liberal.” It is reactionary. And you and your cohorts have forever defined yourselves as reactionary politicians.

Violence is to be condemned, but so is the desecration of a great democracy.


Roger L. Simon
I will repeat for maybe the third of fourth time, you can't betray your constituents and expect civility in return.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

I remember an angry guy going forward to shout remarks, but I was behind and couldn't hear what he said. But that was the full extent of the reaction. Everybody else, as the video shows, shouted "kill the bill."

I called Hoyer's office today and relayed the message that I'm telling all my Democrat friends and in very passionate terms that he's lying like a rug. They know me so I'll let them decide who to believe. I decided to lean on the kindness of my friends and the goodness that I see in their hearts. Too bad that Hoyer and his cronies cannot understand the power of real trust and goodwill.

I said that Hoyer ought to be ashamed to be lying to his own Democrat constituents. These politicians have lost all touch with the real life of this country -- they cannot fathom basic human decency.