HolyCoast: It's "Laugh at Latecomers Day" in Church
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's "Laugh at Latecomers Day" in Church

If you go to church this morning look around about 50 minutes into the service. That's when the people who forgot to change their clocks will show up for church with a look of wonderment on their faces at all the people already there...and the fact the pastor is winding up his sermon.

In some ways they'll be the lucky ones. If the service was boring, they missed it.

A Facebook friend made this comment:
I heard about this church on the radio this morning. They started this program.."We decide when". As an entire congregation, they do NOT set their clocks ahead, show up at church at the usual time, therefore getting to enjoy the extra hour of sleep. Then AFTER the morning worship they all turn their clocks ahead and are on target with everyone else in time for work on Mon. Brilliant!!
Great idea.

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