HolyCoast: A Lawsuit is Ready if Pelosi Leads Her Lambs to "Slaughter"
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Lawsuit is Ready if Pelosi Leads Her Lambs to "Slaughter"

Should Nancy Pelosi go with the unconstitutional "Slaughter Solution", which others are now calling "Demon Pass", as in "deem and pass", in which the House "deems" the Senate Obamacare bill passed without an actual vote, Mark Levin and his Landmark Legal organization will file suit:
“Landmark has already prepared a lawsuit that will be filed in federal court the moment the House acts. Such a brazen violation of the core functions of Congress simply cannot be ignored. Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution is clear respecting the manner in which a bill becomes law. Members are required to vote on this bill, not claim they did when they didn’t. The Speaker of the House and her lieutenants are temporary custodians of congressional authority. They are not empowered to do permanent violence to our Constitution.”

I fear that the courts will be reluctant to get involved in this. Though I had earlier posted that I would expect an immediate win for such a suit, I've read other analyses by people with much more legal expertise than I which suggest the courts don't like to get involved in "process" matters and prefer the House and Senate to police their own rules. I hope that isn't true because the "Demon Pass" is clearly unconstitutional and I would hope the Supreme Court would be willing to take that case.

We may find out very soon.

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