HolyCoast: The Mama Moonbat Camp-out
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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Mama Moonbat Camp-out

She's baaaaaack:
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan is restarting her campaign against wars in Iraq and Afghanistan today, setting up tents and teaching protest seminars near the Washington Monument.

Dubbed "Camp OUT NOW," the protest is geared to pressure President Obama and Democrats, whom Sheehan says have abandoned the anti-war cause now that they have control of the White House and Congress.

"Obama said there'd be one combat battalion coming home per month, and that has not happened," Sheehan says. "We still have significant troops in Iraq, and he's ramped up in Afghanistan.

"I don't think this is what people understood they were voting for. I think they were voting for a change."

The troops are still there but the unicorns and rainbows are all gone.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

I'm waiting to see just how well the lap dog media ignore her. I'm guessing they will do a magnificent job of ignoring her. Doesn't fit the narrative, you know.