HolyCoast: The Man Everybody Hates
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Monday, March 22, 2010

The Man Everybody Hates

It's really hard to make everyone hate you. Even at his worst Richard Nixon had his supporters. Jimmy Carter still had Democrats willing to vote for him despite his total incompetence as president. Even Saddam Hussein still had people behind him in Iraq.

Bart Stupak has nobody. Everybody hates him.

Pro-lifers hate him now that he's betrayed the principles they thought he had. Once his betrayal became known yesterday afternoon one pro-life organization withdrew the "Defender of Life" award they had given him.

The pro-abortion crowd hates him because he inserted language into the House bill preventing funding of abortion in Obamacare, and hate him further because he got Obama to issue a meaningless executive order banning abortion funding in Obamacare. It has no force of law but still ticked off the pro-abortion crowd.

Everybody hates him.

It couldn't happen to a more worthy candidate. Last night as he was speaking on the floor of the House against the very language he had put in the House bill someone on the GOP side shouted "Baby Killer!". It won't be the last time he hears that.

Stupak proved the old adage true: Democrats are Democrats first and representatives of their constituents last. Principles are as fluid and flexible as they think the Constitution is. When it came right down to defending life Stupak displayed a spine of linguine. He checked his principles at the Speaker's door. And it appears he traded the protection of the unborn for $700,000 in airport improvements.

Welcome to ignominy, Bart.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

He and Ben Nelson have lots in common, now.