HolyCoast: Memo to Dems: Save Your Careers - Vote No and GET OUT!
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Memo to Dems: Save Your Careers - Vote No and GET OUT!

That's the best advice for any House Democrat participating in the Obamacare vote:
A Democrat who has long committed to opposing healthcare reform legislation has advised his fellow defectors that they should vote no early on Sunday and then immediately leave the House chamber.

Otherwise, Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) told The Hill, they will be treated "like a piƱata."

Taylor opposed the House healthcare bill in November and is a firm no on Sunday. He suggested it would be a mistake for Democratic no votes to linger on the House floor.

The tactics of House leaders during what is billed as a 15-minute vote are important. It is likely that some firm no votes on the Democratic side will vote right away while others, at the request of House leaders, will wait to register their no until the tally reaches the magic number of 216. Once it does, politically vulnerable Democrats will likely cast their no votes.

But if getting to 216 is a problem, Democratic leaders may lean on these members to change their minds.
I guess they could always try the Loretta Sanchez method and just disappear completely.

The goal of the Democrats is 217 votes. They don't want anyone to be the deciding 216th vote so they really need to get to 217 to keep their troops in line. Once that number is reached (if it ever is) you'll see some "yes" votes switch to "no" to try and preserve their careers.

As far as I'm concerned anyone who votes "yes" at any point in this process is dead to me.

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