HolyCoast: Will America Lose Its Soul Today?
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Will America Lose Its Soul Today?


I fear it will. I fear that by the end of the day we will no longer be a nation of individual achievement and reward, but will be a nation with our hands out waiting for the next crumb from the all powerful government bureaucrats. Our futures will no longer be ours to determine, but will be carefully controlled by our political overlords to make sure no one exceeds the limits of success they set.

Every facet of our lives will be subject to scrutiny because somehow, some way, it will effect the cost of health care. Diet, exercise, hobbies, occupations - all subject to review and disapproval. No longer will treatment be determined by need, but by the cost to society to keep that individual comfortable...or even alive. Some of us will simply have to die to decrease the surplus population.

Those that live will be subject to crippling taxes to pay for the hideous health care plan the Democrats have foisted upon us and our descendants. Every child will be born with a huge debt...at least those the government doesn't pay to kill.

That's the future the Democrats have proposed for us. They and only they can stop it at this point. Will they stand for freedom or tyranny? Real choice or government mandate? Prosperity or a debt burden that can never be satisfied?

We'll soon know.

And if they choose tyranny they better be prepared to pay the price. I hope our citizens rise up and sweep them from office...or from this earth. Either way works for me. Our freedoms will be restored.


Ann's New Friend said...

I've been asking myself the same question, Rick, but I think about the Cross. I pray that sanity wins today, but if the worst happens, today will be America's cross.

And after the cross is a resurrection. If I thought America was heartless, I would be totally dispirited, but this country is not heartless. And this is not a country of cowards. Nor is it a country of libertines.

If today is America's cross, there will also be an Easter morning. It will come at the time of God's choosing. God's still in charge.

Never, never, never give up. The man who said that was half American, you know? That was his American side speaking.

Have courage, Rick. I found your blog completely by "accident" years ago, and it's changed my thinking dramatically. God can provide many accidents for this nation. Stand firm, holy coast!

Larry Sheldon said...

I can make the argument that it lost its soul some years ago.

This is just the final hours of an inevitable process, since not enough people could read what was written on the wall.

Or anywhere else.

Larry said...

If the Democrats get this bill passed, the FREEDOMS we have enjoyed here in America for over 200 years will be a thing of the past. We will come under the thumb of the political leaders and will be taxed to death. I think I will just quit my job, join all the other's on welfare and let the state take care of all my needs.