HolyCoast: Poor Babies
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Poor Babies

Democrats are feeling threatened these days:
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is warning that some of his Democratic colleagues are being threatened with violence when they go back to their districts — and he wants Republicans to stand up and condemn the threats.

The Maryland Democrat said more than 10 House Democrats have reported incidents of threats or other forms of harassment about their support of the highly divisive health insurance overhaul vote. Hoyer emphasized that he didn’t have a specific number of threats and that was just an estimate.
His information is probably as good as the information about the "n" word name calling that was reported on Sunday and never happened.

Of course, this is only news when it happens to Democrats. Republicans have had to deal with this stuff for years:
A Republican aide also pointed out that over the years Republican members of Congress received their fair share of death threats during volatile times. Newt Gingrich after the 1994 Republican revolution and the late Henry Hyde during the Clinton impeachment in 1998 both received numerous death threats. And just last month, Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) received death threats after his filibuster of unemployment benefits, according to a report in Roll Call.
And why don't you go ask guys like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity how many death threats they get...daily.

Hoyer claims he wants a civil society...at least when Democrats are speaking, but I don't remember him speaking out against Code Pink when they interrupted congressional hearings or tried to disrupt Sarah Palin's 2008 GOP convention speech.

While I don't condone violent responses, I'm not surprised by them at all and I expect the tempo will pick up a bit as House Dems return to their districts for the Spring break. As I've said before you can't betray a significant majority of your constituents and expect civility in return.


Ann's New Friend said...

It's a smoke screen, a ruse.

I've begun notifying all my friends, acquaintances that I was at that rally and that Hoyer is fibbing. I've put it on the line, Rick, back here in my real life and real name. All my lib friends, I'm telling them the truth of what I saw and experienced.

Tell your lib friends what you believe and why with the best courtesy you can muster.

We have to changes some peoples' hearts out there.

Goofy Dick said...

I hope all lot of these political rascals get their butts kicked. The best beating will be the November Election when they are thrown out of office.